Société Marocaine d'Immunologie

Moroccan Society of Immunology






Internal Regulation
The Moroccan Society of Immunology was created in November, 17th 2007 at Marrakech city by Moroccan Immunologists.

The means of action of the SMI revolve around two main axes: information and training

The SMI aims to:

- promote the quality of teaching and research.

- Forging links between immunologists.

- Conduct educational programs, training courses and workshops.

- To promote communication and collaboration between researchers.

- Encourage the exchange of scientific information and dissemination of recent advances in immunology.

- Facilitate the exchange of technology throughout Morocco.

The SMI maintains contacts with foreign associations and supports the organization of international and national immunology meetings.

SMI is official member of IUIS






Société Marocaine d'Immunologie

Siège social : Université Cadi Ayyad
Faculté des Sciences Semlalia
BP: 2390  Marrakech 40 000
 Site web:
   tel :     212 (0) 524 43 46 49