Société Marocaine d'Immunologie

Moroccan Society of Immunology





 Article 1: The Association called Moroccan Society of Immunology (SMI), established on November 17, 2007 is incorporated under the Dahir No. 1-02-206 of 12 Jumada the first 1423 (July 23, 2002) promulgating law n ° 75-00 amending and supplementing Dahir No. 1-58-376 of 3 Jumada the first 1378 (15 November 1958) regulating the order of association and the various laws in use.

Article 2: The SMI is a national and non-political scientific association. Its aim is to promote scientific exchange of any kind among its members to encourage and foster the development of Immunology.

Article 3: The head office of the SMI shall be at the Cadi Ayyad University of Marrakech. It may be transferred by decision of the Board and ratification by the General Assembly will be necessary.

Article 4: The duration of the SMI is unlimited.

Article 5: The activities of the SMI are similar to those traditionally used in scientific associations (meetings, conferences, publications, electronic distribution, etc. ...). Regarding its national and international relations, the SMI will direct its contributions and efforts consistent with its purpose.

Article 6: The SMI consists of active members, honorary members and benefactors. The number of members of the Association hall be unlimited. All Moroccan and foreign scientists may be members, but the number of foreign members shall not exceed one third (1 / 3) of the total number of members of the association. public or private Moroccan scientific communities shall also be allowed to be members.

Article 6a: To become an active member, one must be sponsored by two members of the SMI and be approved by the National Council of Administration (CNA), which decides on the admission. Active members shall pay an annual fee whose amount is set each year by the decision of the General Assembly (GA) and proposed by the National Board of Directors.

Students holding at least a master's or equivalent degree may become active members of the SMI.

Honorary Membership shall be awarded by the NAC to persons who render or have rendered services to the SMI and / or to immunology.

The title of benefactor is awarded by the NAC to any person (or entity) that helps materially (grants, logistical support ...) for the development of immunology in Morocco.

Article 7: Membership of the Association shall be lost in case of death, resignation or expulsion by the NAC, for non-payment of dues despite three (3) reminders or for serious reasons. The person concerned shall have the right to be auditioned. Appealing to the GA shall be possible.

Article 8: The sources of income of the SMI shall be membership fees, grants from state and local governments, revenues from scientific events, donations and all other sources authorized by law.

Revenues of the SMI shall be deposited in a bank account opened in its name.


Article 9: The SMI shall be headed by a National Council of Administration (NAC) composed of 15 to 21 members, elected for a term of three (3) years by the GA. The NAC may join regional councils of the SMI, the creation of these regional councils shall be subject to approval by the General Assembly. The term of a member of the NAC is renewable only once. In case of vacancy of one or more of its members, the NCA can provide for their temporary replacement, the permanent replacement shall be decided by the next GA. The power of the members so elected shall expire at the time the mandate of the members replaced would normally have ended. The renewal of the Council shall be by 1/3 every two (2) years.

The Board shall elect from among its members by secret ballot, a council composed of seven members:

- A President;
- A Vice-President;
- A General Secretary;
- A Deputy General Secretary;
- A Treasurer.
- Two Councilors

- The President shall preside and make proposals in the various board meetings and the general assembly. He/she shall co-sign the various minutes with the general secretary. He shall represent the SMI in all acts of civil life. He/she shall authorize expenditures. He/she may delegate someone else under conditions which are set by the rules. In case of legal representation, the President can only be replaced by an agent acting under a special proxy. Representatives of the Association shall be in full possession of their civil rights.

- The General Secretary shall prepare the agenda of the activities of the Association and shall keep minutes and look over the preparation of a newsletter, direct correspondences, assure the distribution of all notices and ballots. He/she shall present the annual report on the management of the Council and the welfare of the Association to the General Assembly.

- The Treasurer shall be responsible for managing the revenue and expenditure of the Association and ensure the collection of contributions. He/she shall provide to the Council and commissions, all accounting information useful to the knowledge of the issues discussed. He/she shall present to the GA, report on the financial situation of the Association, the account balance for the year ended and the budget for the following year.

The council shall be elected for three (3) years; the election of its members shall take place one year before the expiry of the mandate of their immediate predecessors. For one year, the newly elected members shall attend meetings but cannot have a specific role. At the end of his/her mandate, the President shall be appointed as Honorary President and may then serve for three years in the NAC in which case he shall be an extra member. He/she shall not be reelected as such. The Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer may be reelected only once as such. In all cases, a new application to the NAC immediately after the end of their term in the council shall be possible only if their functions have lasted for less than half a term.

Article 10: The NAC shall meet at least twice a year and whenever convened by its President or at the request of at least a quarter of its members. The effective presence of one third of the NAC is necessary for the validity of the proceedings. Decisions shall be taken by a majority vote; in the event of a tie, the President shall have a casting vote. He shall record the sessions. The minutes shall be signed by the President and the Secretary General. Any board member who, without reasonable excuse, fails to attend three consecutive meetings shall be considered as having resigned.

Article 11: The NAC may designate, in the SMI, various administrative or study committees, the composition and functions of which shall be determined by the NAC.

Article 12: Members of the SMI cannot receive any remuneration for the duties entrusted to them. In contrast, however, reimbursement of expenses is possible where specific decision shall be taken by the NAC without the presence of the persons concerned. Justifications that are subject to verification must be presented.

Article 13: The General Assembly of the SMI shall consist of all its members. The corporate members of the SMI can be represented at the GA by only one delegate. The General Assembly shall meet once a year and whenever it is convened by the NAC or at the request of at least 60% of its members. Its agenda shall be set by the NAC. It shall hear the reports on the management of the NAC on the financial health and welfare of the SMI. It shall approve the accounts for the financial year, approve the budget for the following year, deliberate on items placed on the agenda and provide for the renewal of Board members.

Article 14: Rules of procedure shall be prepared by the NAC and shall be subject to approval by the GA.


Article 15: The Constitution may be amended upon the proposal of the NAC or at least half plus one of the members constituting the GA. The proposal shall be submitted to the office at least one month before the meeting of the GA. The latter must comprise at least two thirds of the members of the SMI up to date with their membership fees. If this proportion is not reached, the Assembly shall be convened again, but in no less than two weeks apart. At this time, it can validly deliberate, whatever the number of members present or represented. In all cases, the statutes can be changed only by a two thirds majority of the members present.

Article 16: The General Assembly shall be called to decide on the dissolution of the SMI and specially convened for that purpose; it must include at least half plus one of the paid-up members. If this proportion is not reached, the Assembly shall be convened again, but in no less than two weeks apart, and this time it may validly deliberate, whatever the number of members present or represented. In all cases, dissolution may be voted by a majority of two thirds of the paid up members of the SMI who must be physically present.
Property from the liquidation of the SMI shall be awarded to one or more organizations with similar objectives to the SMI or to a charitable organization. The SMI office shall designate the organizations that will receive the remaining funds from the SMI.

Société Marocaine d'Immunologie

Siège social : Université Cadi Ayyad
Faculté des Sciences Semlalia
BP: 2390  Marrakech 40 000
 Site web:
   tel :     212 (0) 524 43 46 49